Three years ago, requests were only accepted by snail mail. One had to include a CV, a letter of intent, and professional collateral. It was an ordeal and it took about a month to get approval. In the end, I received an email stating I had received the Professional Accreditation, but when I went to pick up the credential, I was given the limited and less desirable Cinephiles badge. It was "less desirable" to me because my intent was to network with independent filmmakers in the Short Film Corner and meet the international film commissions. The fabulous Cannes volunteers could see that the paperwork I held and the information in their system differed, and they tried to help, but in the end couldn't make it happen. They did, however, grant me a 2-day temporary pass to access the areas the Cinephiles badge wouldn't.
2010 was the first year applications were accepted online & my full-fledged access was granted in just over two weeks. Sadly, the VFF crew that went the year before was unable to scrounge up the money to make the trek together again. And, in the end, I opted to forgo Cannes.
This year, I received my accreditation in under 24 hours! A record. Regardless of who else is going, I will be there. But, I have a suspicion that some familiar VFF faces will be roaming the Croisette too and I hope you'll join us for a toast at Caffe Roma.
Monday, May 16 @ 3pm
Caffe Roma (across from the Palais)
1 Square Merimee
Cannes, France
More info and RSVP via Facebook or Eventbrite.
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