VFF sifted through hundreds of feature films this year, from near and far. While we loved many, screening time was limited and cuts were made. We encourage you to browse through our shortlist to see the features we continue to support in spirit. In the here and now, check out the features we'll be screening December 10-14, 2014 at Laemmle NoHo7.
100 min/Documentary/Canada
Directed by Leslie D. Bland
Don't let the running time scare you off. Trust us when we say you'll be laughing all the way through this comedic and campy look at Canada's pop culture contributions to "Hollywood." Like, did you know Mack Sennent, founding father of Studio City, was from Quebec? VFF loved it because we could totally relate to The Valley's own pop culture contributions being overlooked. Celebrity interviews are aplenty too, including: Howie Mandel, David Foster, Alex Trebek, Alan Thicke, Shannon Tweed, Dave Thomas, Tommy Chong, Will Sasso, Neve Campbell, Harland Williams, Monty Hall, Arthur Hiller, David Shore, Ted Kotcheff, and Erin Karpluk.
Screens Saturday, December 13 at 12:00pm. Tickets and Info.
97 min/Documentary/Los Angeles, CA
Directed by George Pappy
VFF first screened George Pappy in 2011 with his gritty drama, Few Options (currently available on Netflix and Amazon) and The Green Girl is polar opposite. Other than an appearance on Star Trek, George knew nothing else about actress Susan Oliver. Out of curiosity, he looked her up on IMDB and was astonished at her lengthy resume spanning four decades. Not only that, he discovered that she was a rock star director of celebrated TV shows such as M*A*S*H and Trapper John, M.D. during the thick of male-dominated television AND one of the first women to ever pilot a Lear Jet. A crush was born. George's fervor to share what he uncovered shines through, leaving you wanting more.
Screens Sunday, December 14 at 12:00pm. Tickets and Info.
89 min/Drama/Austria
Directed by Alex K. Lee
At its core, La Vie Nous Appartient is a buddy road trip...if the road were the mountains of Austria and the buddies were two misunderstood young adults meeting for the first time. With a pact to end their lives, Sarah and Philip trek through the forest and share their struggles with family, depression, and personal fulfillment...y'know... life! VFF loves it for its simplicity and unique look at growing up with modern demands. Plus, it doesn't hurt that it was produced by Angelo D'Agostino, producer of one of our favorite fest flicks, Little World.
Screens Sunday, December 14 at 2:30pm. Tickets and Info.
93 min/Comedy/Los Angeles, CA
Directed by Cindy Baer
Film festival circuit "It Girl," Cindy Baer first splashed on to the screen 10 years ago with cult favorite, Purgatory House, and has honed her directing skills over the years with a series of awesome shorts, including those screened at VFF: Morbid Curiosity (VFF08), Stalked (VFF11) and Seymour Sally Rufus (VFF12). Odd Brodsky is Cindy's leap back into features, with a lovable cast that you're cheering on from beginning to end. We can all relate to Audrey -- the lovable loser who decides to f-it and go all-in to following her dream. OK, so her dream is being an actress and she's not that good at it. Who cares? Audrey opens herself up to limitless possibilities and that message is what we connected with.
Closing Night Film
Sunday, December 14 at 5:00pm. Tickets and Info.
Sunday, December 14 at 5:00pm. Tickets and Info.
100 min/Sci-Fi Musical/State College, PA
Directed by Rod Bingaman
It's the 1960s and British heartthrobs, Norman's Normans, have accidentally rocketed to a planet inhabited by women - Hormone. Using their catchy tunes to temper Queen Fallopia, the band brings peace to a neighboring planet of men and finds their way home. VFF loved it for its ambition, attention to period detail, and the music of course! We guarantee you'll be singing along with Norman and his Normans in no time.
Screens Friday, December 12 at 9:30pm. Tickets and Info.
94min/Romantic Comedy/Los Angeles, CA
Directed by John Putch
Our opening night feature is a no-brainer. VFF has a long history of screening micro-budget films directed by John Putch, starting in 2003 with Bachelorman, and as long as he continues to make 'em, we'll continue to screen 'em. Route 30 Three! is the final chapter of the Route 30 trilogy (don't worry, you don't need to have seen the previous two to appreciate #3) and follows the mysterious disappearance of Rotten Egg, a camera that reveals the truth in every photo, and a man's quest to become less boring. We love Putch for his no B.S. approach to filmmaking and for treating his cast, crew, and festivals with the utmost respect.
Take a gander at this Moviola clip featuring John Putch on the "Making of the Anti-Hollywood Movie."
Opening Night Film
Wednesday, December 10 at 8:00pm. Tickets and Info.
Wednesday, December 10 at 8:00pm. Tickets and Info.
61 min/Documentary/Los Angeles, CA
Directed by Anne Davis O'Neal
Music is the tie that binds and this documentary proves you don't need a fancy opera house to sing your libretto off. While many of the subjects have been performing together for over 50 years, others are new to the art, and yet they all share the same level of loss when their venue unexpectedly closes. As the saying goes, "it's not over until the fat lady sings." (P.S., This film has serious "faccia tosta" AKA chutzpa. Bravo!)
Screens Friday, December 12 at 7:00pm. Tickets and Info.
86 min/Drama/Los Angeles, CA
Directed by Matt Mercer
Reclusive illustrator, Parker, navigates withdrawal effects from a pharmaceutical drug trial and, after a chance meeting with Teresa, is thrust back into daily life, and love, sooner than he wished. Using Los Angeles as a backdrop, we love this film for its authentic performances and sobering situations.
Centerpiece Screening
Saturday, December 13 at 7:30pm. Tickets and Info.
Saturday, December 13 at 7:30pm. Tickets and Info.
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